Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 4- Hardware + Privacy

In weeks lecture I learned that the motherboard is what holds all of the major important parts to a computer or output device. For the intentions of this project the motherboard is going to be useful in Cell Phones.
The Cell phone companies will need to incorporate a larger memory space so that each account from a person can be stored physically on the phone; much like a person can "backup" their phone numbers to a secure database, they will be able to backup any new information a person enters into their cell phone, like tracking new purchases, payments, or deposits. 
Again that idea of a password comes into mind, this password/ "security code" will consist of a secure link password that only the user knows. This will only allow access into files and memory data by the user to ensure that if the phone is stolen from the user and is able to unlock the initial password that they will not be able to unlock the account to steal money. 
I will do this by incorporating an ALU processor which with compare the password characters to the correct one and either open the account or hide the accounts into a secure file in the phone and notify the bank of potential harm. 

1 comment:

  1. Great Idea, I think this practice is in action in many companies around the nation. My only thought would be what if the main server is some how hact. Than the perpetrator would have access to a wide verity of accounts instead of just one.
